Natasha Eveleigh

How it all began
One of my first memories, as a 5 year old, was sitting in my father's studio and drawing alongside him. He was an illustrator and graphic designer and his huge desk would dwarf me. After this I could always be found drawing, painting or collaging in my room. I would submerge myself in sketchbooks.

Living in Somerset, surrounded by nature and flowers, I was spoilt for inspiration. During my early teenage years, my father was painting a series of endangered flowers. The way he gathered his references and produced his beautiful paintings was so interesting to me.
I had an amazing nursing and teaching career spanning 20 years working and volunteering in Australia, Thailand, Uganda and Ukraine. I feel very thankful to have been able to live in many cultures around the world. Over these years I always had a sketch book to collect my inspiration but it was in 2014 when I was pregnant with my first child that I really pushed my creativity, painting or drawing daily; I couldn't stop!
It was like I had opened a box of treasures and I wanted to explore and study every single one.

My passion for flowers, bright joyful colours and patterns soon shone through my work as I became confident in my own process and style. I studied pattern design through online courses, took workshops and went on retreats. I wanted to keep learning and keep on creating!
Another passion of mine has always been people. I love connecting and sharing with others especially around art and wellbeing. I truly believe that everyone can be creative, sometimes you just need to be brave enough to give it a go. In 2016 I started running my own workshops. These really gave me a sense of joy in helping others to get inspired and try something new, learn new skills or simply connect with others again.
If you have got this far on my 'about' page and want to be updated with my workshops, retreats, and new collections please do sign up to my mailing list. If you have any questions you would like to ask please do drop me a message in my contact page, I would love to hear about you and your journey too.